kleine, niet te bedaren bruid met onder / je bed nog al je minnaars van vroeger / morsig feestvarken (...) / geschept uit de placenta van Leie en Schelde

Roel Richelieu van Londersele (2003)

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[John Barrow (jr.)]: A family tour through south Holland: up the Rhine, and across the Netherlands, to Ostend (ed. 1839), p. 9

A fine canal [Gent-Terneuzen]

In het eerste hoofdstuk, dat zich afspeelt op de Westerschelde tussen Vlissingen en Antwerpen, wees Barrow al op het grote belang van het toen recent gegraven kanaal Gent-Terneuzen:

From this place a fine canal has recently been opened the whole way to Ghent, of the depth of sixteen feet, which, while it admits ships of very considerable burthen, acts as a drain to the surrounding country, through which it passes. At Terneuse it communicates with the Scheldt, by two separate sluices or locks. This water communication is of the greatest importance, both to Brabant and Holland, by opening a direct intercourse between Antwerp and other principal towns of Belgium, and to the latter country, through various channels of communication, with Dort and Rotterdam.

Lees het volledige reisverhaal op GoogleBooks (exempl. UGent, 1839): (John Barrow): A family tour

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[Auteurs] Barrow, John (jr.)